Welcome to LectureSight ======================= LectureSight is an open source OSGI application that uses OpenCL to analyze a video stream in real-time and track the presenter by controlling a PTZ camera. Quick Start ----------- 1. Check the requirements for a `Linux server with GPU `__, `overview camera `__ such as a webcam, and `PTZ camera `__ supporting VISCA or VAPIX. 2. Check that you have the `software dependencies `__ installed (Java, OpenCL and optionally GStreamer). 3. Install LectureSight from a `release `__ or `build from source `__. 4. Update the default configuration in ``conf/lecturesight.properties`` for your overview camera (see some `examples `__). 5. `Start LectureSight `__. 6. `Calibrate `__ LectureSight so that the PTZ camera can successfully follow objects within the overview camera's field of view. 7. Set up a `Scene Profile `__ to ignore irrelevant regions of the overview image. 8. Watch LectureSight in action in the `Object Tracker `__ and `PTZ Camera Control `__ windows, and fine-tune the `configuration `__ to optimize tracking performance and camera movement. 9. Configure LectureSight to start and stop tracking automatically using the `Scheduler `__. Community --------- Join the LectureSight community to ask for help, provide feedback or give suggestions. Email lecturesight@googlegroups.com Subscribe by sending a mail to: `lecturesight+subscribe@googlegroups.com `__ Issues ------ Report bugs or file feature requests on the LectureSight `JIRA Issue Tracker `__ Contents ========= .. toctree:: :caption: Table of Contents :glob: :maxdepth: 1 config/index core/index develop/index hardware/index install/index modules/index ui/index