Build from source ================= You can build LectureSight from source if you want to run newer code than the last release, or need to make local changes. Check that you have `git `__ and `Apache Maven `__ installed. Create a destination folder for LectureSight: :: mkdir -p /opt/ls/bundles/application Clone the LectureSight repo: :: git clone Check out the branch to build: :: cd lecturesight git checkout 0.3-sprint Copy the runtime OSGI bundles and configuration files: :: cp -R runtime/* /opt/ls/ By default the ``demonstration`` profile will be built, this deploys a dummy PTZ camera so you run LectureSight without access to a real PTZ camera. Build the LectureSight ``demonstration`` profile and install the resulting OSGI bundles: :: cd src mvn clean install -DdeployTo=/opt/ls/bundles/application Alternatively, edit the ``production-with-gui`` maven profile in ``src/pom.xml`` to enable or disable the camera modules that you need for your installation, (see the ``ptz-####-only`` profiles for the required modules). :: cd src mvn clean install -DdeployTo=/opt/ls/bundles/application -Pproduction-with-gui A successful build should end like this: :: [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 30.631 s [INFO] Finished at: 2017-12-07T17:07:41+02:00 [INFO] Final Memory: 81M/429M [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can now `Start LectureSight `__